Marketing for Enterprises.
MediaMax for Enterprise Marketing.
Large Enterprise? No Sweat.
Large enterprises face unique marketing challenges. With large-scale marketing campaigns, it can be difficult to know where to best allocate resources and align your message with your brand. MediaMax offers cross-channel solutions for large enterprises that allow you to hyper-target your exact markets so that you can efficiently and effectively scale your business.
Over 20 Years of Success
MediaMax has over 20 years experience providing high-profile businesses unique print and digital marketing solutions. We partner with some of the world’s most prestigious publishing platforms to help you reach the people who matter most. MaxMedia understands the unique marketing challenges that enterprises face. Our national and regional marketing solutions address the needs of larger corporations and help you reach your desired customer base at every touchpoint.
What You Get.
FAQs: Enterprise Marketing.
National brands can gain a competitive edge with geo-targeted advertising. By hyper-targeting audiences in markets that make sense to your business, you can reach the people who are most likely to respond to your message and take action.
While it may seem advantageous to reach the most people possible on a national scale, the costs of a national advertising campaign can be high and the payoffs may not be worth the cost. This simply might not make sense for your business.
MediaMax uses a hyper-targeted approach that allows your enterprise to activate local initiatives such as test markets,new store openings, franchise support, geographical or seasonal products and dealer or co-op support.
Your dedicated regional marketing manager will ensure that you’re reaching your ideal local market and track campaign performance. Weekly reports will give you insight into performance results and campaign metrics. These analytics can help guide future initiatives.
Enterprise marketing combines all the marketing practices of a corporation or organization across departments and entities. The main goal of enterprise marketing strategy is to reach target audiences to increase brand awareness and provide a better ROI.
READ OUR CASE STUDY: Advertising for Taubman Malls
Larger companies differ from small and medium-sized businesses in that they may not be restricted by budget. In addition, enterprises may have a much larger scope than a start-up or smaller business. Enterprise marketing addresses those needs. It focuses resources appropriately and takes a cross-channel approach to reach organizational goals.
Every corporation is different and will have varying goals depending on the product, service or promotion they are focusing on at any given time. However, some common features you might expect from enterprise marketing campaigns include data-driven strategies, marketing automation software, email marketing software, programmatic audience targeting, native advertising, and campaign analytics.