Sanford L. Smith

Sanford L. Smith

Sanford L. Smith has curated art and design fairs to showcase pieces and collections for over 40 years. The Salon displays vintage, modern, and contemporary works of art. It includes various styles and international representation. The Salon is considered by the New York Times as “a museum in the making at the Park Avenue Armory.”



MediaMax was tasked with growing The Salon’s Book Fair ticket sales through social media outreach.


Social – Utilizing social media, ads were delivered directly and efficiently to the target audience. Ads were served across META, including Instagram and Facebook and was optimized based on performance.


Art & Culture




The Results

For Sanford L. Smith, the metric of success was predicated on ticket sales. The campaign resulted in significant reach and engagement, driving over 500 conversions and indicating the campaign’s effectiveness in increasing interest and sales.

1.2 M

Total Impressions CRM Targeting

4 K+

Total Clicks CRM Targeting

240 +

CRM Conversions

575 K+

Total Impressions Behavioral Targeting

4 K

Total Clicks Behavioral Targeting

200 +

Behavior Targeting Conversions